This is a reminder that the {{ outage.title }} is scheduled to start in {{ outage.start|timeuntil }} on {{ outage.start }}.
{% if outage.resource %}
Resource: {{ outage.resource }}
{% endif %}
{% if outage.tool %}
Tool: {{ outage.tool }}
{% endif %}
{% if outage.area %}
Area: {{ outage.area }}
{% endif %}
Start time: {{ outage.start }}
End time: {{ outage.end }}
{% if outage.category %}
Category: {{ outage.category }}
{% endif %}
{% if outage.resource and outage.resource.visible_fully_dependent_tools %}
Affected tools: {{ outage.resource.visible_fully_dependent_tools|join:', ' }}
{% endif %}
{% if outage.resource and outage.resource.visible_partially_dependent_tools %}
Partially affected tools: {{ outage.resource.visible_partially_dependent_tools|join:', ' }}
{% endif %}
{% if outage.details %}
{{ outage.details|linebreaksbr }}
{% endif %}