{{ tool.name }} access expiring in {{ remaining_days }} days! |
Dear {{ user.first_name }}, This is a reminder that your {{ tool.name }} access is set to expire in {{ remaining_days }} days on {{ expiration_date }} because you have not used the {{ tool.name }} since {% if last_tool_use %} {{ last_tool_use }} {% else %} last qualifying for it on {{ qualification_date }} {% endif %} . In order to keep access to this tool you will need to use it before {{ expiration_date }}. |
{{ tool.name }} access expired! |
Dear {{ user.first_name }}, You lost access to the {{ tool.name }} since you have not used it since {% if last_tool_use %} {{ last_tool_use }} {% else %} last qualifying for it on {{ qualification_date }} {% endif %} . Please contact anyone copied on this email if you wish to get re-trained. |