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You can customize portions of NEMO to suit your organization's needs.

Adjustment requests settings

At least one user with the facility manager role needs to exist for approval.
The title for the adjustment request tab of the user requests page.
The description/instructions to display on the adjustment requests page.
The maximum number of requests to display in each section (approved, denied). Leave blank for all.

most recent charges
The number of most recent charges to show in the dropdown menu when creating an adjustment.
The timeframe for users to be able to request adjustment on charges.

This does not apply to general charges.

Access requests settings

The title for the access request tab of the user requests page.
The description/instructions to display on the access requests page.
The minimum number of users (creator included) needed for an access request to be valid.
The maximum number of requests to display in each section (approved, denied, expired). Leave blank for all.
The email(s) to notify for weekend access. A comma-separated list can be used.
:00 hrs
The cutoff day and hour after which an email is sent if there is no approved weekend access for the week (in 24hrs format). If left blank the "no weekend access" will NOT be sent.

Buddy requests settings

The title for the buddy request tab of the user requests page.
The description/instructions to display on the buddy board page.